Thursday, August 27, 2009

Talk amongst yourselves....

I'm going to be house-sitting for my folks again, from now 'til around Sunday. What can I say; August is their month for wandering around to make sure the rest of the planet is still there.

I KNOW it's still there because the Internet tells me so, therefore I am content to simply sit in a chair and eat cheetos while watching reruns of Spongebob Squarepants.

Anyway, I'll be offline for just a few days, but I'll be back. Barring, of course, some unforseen tragedy-- like McDonalds discontinuing the sale of its Sweet Tea, in which case I would undoubtedly end up crying myself to death.

While I'm gone, you're welcome to sort through my archives and find lonely orphan posts that hardly anyone else commented on.

Like maybe this one... or this or this, or... this!
Or lists that I made, like this, or this, or this....
Or maybe just silly little posts that I liked for no reason, like this or this or this.
Or Wordless Wednesdays on Jantrails that (so far) no one has ever commented on, like this or this or this or this.

(That's a total of 13 retro-links, which is today's version of my Thursday Thirteen list.)

And if you're too lazy tired to click on those, maybe you can at least explain this picture to me. Why's it supposed to be funny? What's the thing next to the sign? I don't get it. Please enlighten me.

See you in a few days.
If you break into my house while I'm gone, please make yourself useful by cleaning out the freezer and scooping the litter box.


Anonymous said...

The thing next to the sign is a stove with the door open. Stove were, at one time, called "ranges" as in a "gas range" - Hence it matches the sign - Open Range.

Have a great weekend...

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Well, I don't really have time to comment on all 13 of your links. That would require more time than I actually spend writing one of my posts. But I did stop by and read everyone of them, and they were all comment-worthy (no really, you can check your site meter thingy). I especially like your lists of 13 things. You have a wonderfully twisted way of looking at things.

btw... I think you should start a meme where we all show our driver's license pictures.

Ed & Jeanne said...

What? Gone? This will not stand. This will not stand. It won't lean either...ah well, have fun.

Janna said...

Grace: Really? That's a stove? Weird. Huh....

Jeff: Thanks for visiting the links. :) I feel slightly more appreciated by the universe in general now, though I might just be imagining things.

VE: I tried!

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

That picture's funny because somebody wasted their time taking a picture of a stove next to a sign. There ain't nothin' funnier than stove and sign photos.

Janna said...

MikeWJ: Almost as funny as penguin-and-volkswagen photos! (I think.)