Thursday, May 30, 2013

Make sure your bikini is noodle-proof

Things that are more difficult in hot weather:

1.  Drinking hot herbal tea

2.  Swimming in chicken noodle soup

3.  Denial of Global Warming

4.  Counting 55 words

5.  Keeping calm behind slow drivers

6.  Keeping calm in front of tailgaters

7.  Explaining to your imaginary friend that $3.90 is actually CHEAP for a gallon of gas, compared to that other year....


Margaret said...

... I think #5 is difficult no matter what the temperature is outside! Crazy stuff, Jana :)

Janna said...

Margaret: I agree; #5 is difficult on a daily basis.

TALON said...

lol - and I thought I was the only one who's brain function suffered in the heat! ;) Loved your list, Janna!

Janna said...

TALON: My brain suffers too, as well as other assorted body parts.

Maude Lynn said...

My road rage knows no season!

Janna said...

MamaZen: It's definitely possible during any season. It's just that much MORE annoying during hot weather.

Other Mary said...

Yes, #5 is a challenge in any temp. Now I'm thinking of a list of my own... :o)

Linc said...

This is wonderfully light and airy. Thanks for putting another smile in my day!

Helen said...

Great fun in 55 words!!!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your fun take on the world. Those driving challenges are always tough.

Doctor FTSE said...

Nice one. #6 is particularly stressful when you're riding a push-bike.

G-Man said...

Swimming in Chicken soup is a Breeze. Try swimming in Hormel Chile w/beans!!
Loved your angst filled 55
Thanks for playing, you are like a thick application of Vicks Vapo Rub on your chest during a bad cold
Have a Kick Ass Week-End

nonamedufus said...

I find I yell at my imaginary friend for #5 and #6. Well who else did you think I was talking to?

Kerry O'Connor said...

I like your approach to this challenge. Very amusing!

Novroz said...

This is the first time I read a flash like that. Very new and fun :)

Love number 2

Janna said...

OtherMary: It's fun to make lists!

Linc: Thanks for visiting!

Helen: Fridays HAVE to be fun. I think it's in the constitution somewhere.

razzamadazzle: Driving can be very frustrating these days. I think the traffic population doubles every day. Or at least it seems like it.

Doctor FTSE: I imagine so!

G-Man: I like Hormel Chili! It's good on hot dogs. Perhaps not so good for swimming. ;)

nonamedufus: I thought you were singing to the radio...

Kerry: Thank you!

Novroz: Thanks for visiting!