VE: Welcome back! Yes, be sure to harass your vegan friends as much as possible. Always try to mention tofu, if possible. (As in, "Gee, I wonder if they could make fake pork rectums out of tofu?")
It is a scientifically proven fact that the world only makes sense about 14% of the time. Slightly less on Mondays. There is also a little-known theory that all days are actually Mondays in disguise. It's MY theory, and it's little-known because no one ever listens to me.
"What do you do for a living?"
"I bone pork rectums. It's quite fulfilling."
Does PETA know about this? Somewhere out there there's a bunch of rectumless pigs going "wee, wee, wee" all the way home.
I'm sending that photo to all my vegan friends. I do things like that for fun...
Shawn: LOL!!
nonamedufus: Hee! :)
VE: Welcome back! Yes, be sure to harass your vegan friends as much as possible. Always try to mention tofu, if possible. (As in, "Gee, I wonder if they could make fake pork rectums out of tofu?")
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