This is probably why they sleep in separate beds
Ferdinand looked out the window, sipping his tea.
"How strange," he thought, "I seem to be underwater."
As various fishes swam by, his wife appeared and asked if he wanted pancakes.
"Why are we underwater?" He asked.
"Beats me," she shrugged. "It's your dream."
When Ferdinand woke up, he had to pee really bad..
You're always making us smile. So much water talk....gotta go. *Flush*
That made perfect sense...
I'm Not frickin Kreskin here!
How would anyone know you you posted?
Please remember to visit next week?
BTW...Loved your 55!
Have a Kick Ass WeekEnd
Well at least he STILL had to pee -- and it wasn't his wife's screaming about the mattress that woke him up LOL
Poor guy!
so witty and funny.
love your 55.
beautiful plot.
ROFLMAO!!! Too funny. I've actually been there and done that LOL Well done. Have a great Saturday :)
whew...afraid that was going to be a wet dream....waking up needing to pee...that is a typical guy thing right?
MonkeyMan: I try!
Grace: It must have been an accident!
G-Man: LOL. It's ok. My fault entirely for taking so long. I wasn't home last night, so I didn't have access to the computer. :)
Susan: Yes! Good point! :)
Jingle: Yay! :) Thanks for visiting!
Thom: Wow! Your name is Ferdinand? ;)
Brian Miller: Don't worry, women wake up with full bladders too. :)
Sometimes even in the middle of the afternoon. (!)
lol! Thank you for the laugh! I needed it :) Great 55!
You are such a funny lady. It makes me wonder about your dreams...
TALON: Happy Friday! Thanks for visiting. :)
PattiKen: Funny you should mention that. Last night I dreamed there was a site called "Bran Dot Com" where you could order giant transparent pillowcases full of macaroni and cheese. Really.
Janna, um...wait--I'll be right back................
OK, here we are--I just had to go to the bathroom, but not to take a bath.
You've got a good sense of humor, It helps us to stay alive, and be happy while doing so.
Wow, that was a great - so much like a real dream...especially I have to pee part....thank you for your visit...bkm
Hmmm...pee and that like pigs in a blanket?
Yes he must be on the way to 50...Thanks for reading my Friday 55. Hope your week goes well
I hate when "the urge" intrudes upon my dreams but I suppose it's a good thing.
I'm sure his wife is glad they sleep separately.
Good story in 55.
A great take! and so true- you would have to pee ! Aren't little vignettes fun?! Thanks for visiting -
At least he woke up and didn't wet the bed! Funny 55 it made me lol! have a great weekend!
Steveroni: Staying alive is important, staying happy for at least 50% of the time is also a nice thing. :)
signed...bkm: I've had many dreams interrupted that way. :) Thanks for visiting!
VE: Wow... what a mental image...
John's Comments: I dunno about 50, but I'm 40 and this happens to me. :o
Nessa: I imagine his wife is very relieved. :)
izzy: I love vignettes on my salad. No, wait... that's vinaigrette...
drybottomgirl: Yes, be grateful for the little things. :) Thanks for visiting!
That's funny!
When I can't um...wake up... I always seem to be dreaming that I can't find a clean restroom with doors. ;)
VERY FUNNY! I expected a romance gone wrong.
we need to laugh on our blog sites,
I'll work on it.
Hmm, you know there's something fishy about your story.
I like it! :-)
Hope: If the situation is desperate enough, I'd accept one with no doors. As for the cleanliness level? That would depend on just how raunchy it is...
Dianne: Laughing is very important!
nonamedufus: Indeed!
Susannah: Yay! Welcome. :)
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