I seem to be coming down with a cold.
It started with a sore throat, and now I appear to be singlehandedly keeping the Kleenex company in business.
I'll try really hard not to cough or sneeze on any of you, but I make no promises.
11:29 PM
You know what you should do? KILL IT WITH FIRE!
Gwen: (!!!) I vaguely recall trying that last year....
Gwen again: And yet, here it seems to have worked....
That's always my answer when I get sick.
My friend had a flute recital once and had a miserable cold. He was freaking out because he didn't think he'd be able to play. So I took him to this little chinese restaurant I love where they have the BEST hot and sour soup ever and fed him a huge bowl.
After much eye and nose watering from the soup, he could breathe again.
That being said - I don't have anything that comes close to the sauces you've got. The hottest thing in the house at the moment is Sriracha.
Don't you hate it when you sneeze all over the computer screen and your nose runs all over the keyboard. I hate when that happens. It can be a real sticky situation.
Ack! Snot. It's the worst. Hope you get to feeling better.
Feel better soon. If not I can probably get you a deal on a nursing home\rehab.
You poor thang. First the migraine, and now this. Feel better.
An aside: I remember sitting in my cubicle sniffling and sneezing with a lollapalooza of a cold. After one particularly dramatic sneeze, i heard a voice drifting over the cube's walls: "Wipe your screen."
I've got one, too, Janna. Sucks. I suggest getting some fresh hot peppers, roasting them and eating them whole. If the vitamin C doesn't make you feel better, the unbearable burning going in and coming out will at least make you forget your pain.
Gwen: I tried some of the Black Mamba sauce in a bowl of chili today. Good stuff. It didn't clear out my sinuses entirely, but at least it woke them up out of their previous cough-drop-induced stupor.
nonamedufus: Especially when it makes one of the keys sticcckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
MonkeyMan: I expect I'll be fine in a few days. I just need to ride the snot wave wherever it leads. :)
DaOldMan: Welcome back! Do you have any coupons?
PattiKen: LOL. Be sure and wipe it with a fresh clean Kleenex, otherwise you're just smearing the same stuff around and around. Don't ask me how I know that. :o
MikeWJ: Surprisingly, it usually doesn't burn whilst coming out. I dunno why not. I must be special or something.
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