I'll stick with key lime pie from now on, thanks
Things that came to mind in the past three hours:
1. I vaguely remembered hearing that Vitamin C is good for fighting colds.
2. This evening I ate an entire lime.3. It is almost impossible to peel a lime neatly like a tangerine.
4. But I did it anyway.
5. Limes are very, very, very sour. Especially when you try eating them plain as if they were a tangerine.
6. I now have a zillion volts of Vitamin C in my system.
7. This means I probably won't get scurvy for the rest of my life... or the year 2019, whichever comes first.
8. I will, however, still have to take a Kleenex with me when I go to bed tonight, since apparently Vitamin C cures all colds except the one I currently have.
9. While Googling a decent lime picture to use for this post, I discovered there are also such things as limequats and blood limes.
Limequats? Who knew? Good luck with that cold.
Stopped by to check out your blog and enjoyed this post!
nonamedufus: My cold is surprisingly better today, so maybe the lime helped after all!
gypsyroxylee: Yay! Welcome! :)
I cannot believe there are limequats and blood limes, but I'm sorry you still have a cold. Me, too. I can hardly drag myself to work, and then I just sit there. People keep asking me, "Mike, we're used to seeing you just sit there, but why are you coughing and sneezing?" I'm glad they're concerned.
P.S. I had to post this comment three times because I kept catching mistakes after the fact. It's the cold.
MikeWJ: LOL! Get well soon. I understand completely. :)
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