What kind of wine goes with strabbit?
MOPSTR: A janitor who doesn't spell very well but still wants to be in the mafia anyway.
TROGIN: I didnt relly pay attenshun in klass but I think ther waz somthing about a trogin horss.
SLUNT: This sounds like a very bad insult, so I'd better not say anything....
MOTHMEN: You can find a lot of them under street lights.
MOBED: A moped for really tired people.
OVENGES: What an oven does to avenge injustice. (He might have a grudge against the mopstr.)
POUNDST: The big heavy cat poundst on the mouse and flattened it.
OPERSOL: A disinfectant you can take to the opera.
AUPERS: Paupers who are so poor they can't even afford that first "p".
SALCA: Salsa for people who can't spell.
MASHA: Masha potato and put some sour cream and bacon and cheese and butter on it, and hey, it's pretty good.
VISILY: The word "visibly," in which the "b" is no longer visible.
STRABBIT: The scientists were excited when they were able to produce strawberry-flavored rabbits, but sadly, the public still preferred chicken.
And, here's the next installment of my brief foray into vegetarianism:
Day #4:
Breakfast: Granola bar
Lunch: Pizza with black olives, green olives, mushrooms,
hot peppers, crushed hot red pepper seeds, mozzarella cheese,
and parmesan cheese
Mid-afternoon beverage: Grape juice
Dinner: Leafy green salad w/Italian dressing, tea
The veggie pizza was... well, it was tolerable, I guess. I really, really missed the pepperoni and sausage. The pizza seemed "empty" without it. Sort of like when a zombie eats your brain and you have the distinct feeling that something very important is missing.
"Strabbit"? I don't know, but even though she hasn't written since 2008 maybe the Wine Bunny could tell you.
I hate that empty head feeling zombies leave you with. So lonely.
I'd eat the strabbit, I've eaten regular rabbit so why not (don't tell max though!)
Jamie: Wine Bunny! What a cute name! I picture Thumper (from the Bambi cartoons) laying in a quiet part of the forest, waiting for his hangover to go away.
MikeWJ: I'm glad I'm not the only one!
Mik: Max can breathe a sigh of relief that he isn't strawberry flavored! :)
aupers? Love it!
Grace: Hee! :) I think my favorites are Mopstr and Mobed. :)
I make it a personal goal to use at least one of these a day. I love the looks I get, and it's fun to outrun those people in the lab coats carrying a straightjacket.
Steve: Excellent! Be sure to teach them to your friends and family too. And strangers. And employers. :)
These a good, as usual. But shouldn't someone who collects spam words have her own verification thingy turned on?
Jeff: I've thought about that, actually. Sometimes I AM tempted to turn on the word verification thingy. Overall, though, I think my tiny handful of readers might see it as an added annoyance and might comment less often. Which, of course, would break my heart. :)
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