Thursday, September 3, 2009

What kind of wine goes with strabbit?

MOPSTR: A janitor who doesn't spell very well but still wants to be in the mafia anyway.

TROGIN: I didnt relly pay attenshun in klass but I think ther waz somthing about a trogin horss.

SLUNT: This sounds like a very bad insult, so I'd better not say anything....

MOTHMEN: You can find a lot of them under street lights.

MOBED: A moped for really tired people.

OVENGES: What an oven does to avenge injustice. (He might have a grudge against the mopstr.)

POUNDST: The big heavy cat poundst on the mouse and flattened it.

OPERSOL: A disinfectant you can take to the opera.

AUPERS: Paupers who are so poor they can't even afford that first "p".

SALCA: Salsa for people who can't spell.

MASHA: Masha potato and put some sour cream and bacon and cheese and butter on it, and hey, it's pretty good.

VISILY: The word "visibly," in which the "b" is no longer visible.

STRABBIT: The scientists were excited when they were able to produce strawberry-flavored rabbits, but sadly, the public still preferred chicken.

And, here's the next installment of my brief foray into vegetarianism:
Day #4:
Breakfast: Granola bar
Lunch: Pizza with black olives, green olives, mushrooms,
hot peppers, crushed hot red pepper seeds, mozzarella cheese,
and parmesan cheese
Mid-afternoon beverage: Grape juice
Dinner: Leafy green salad w/Italian dressing, tea

The veggie pizza was... well, it was tolerable, I guess. I really, really missed the pepperoni and sausage. The pizza seemed "empty" without it. Sort of like when a zombie eats your brain and you have the distinct feeling that something very important is missing.


Durward Discussion said...

"Strabbit"? I don't know, but even though she hasn't written since 2008 maybe the Wine Bunny could tell you.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

I hate that empty head feeling zombies leave you with. So lonely.

Mik said...

I'd eat the strabbit, I've eaten regular rabbit so why not (don't tell max though!)

Janna said...

Jamie: Wine Bunny! What a cute name! I picture Thumper (from the Bambi cartoons) laying in a quiet part of the forest, waiting for his hangover to go away.

MikeWJ: I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Mik: Max can breathe a sigh of relief that he isn't strawberry flavored! :)

Anonymous said...

aupers? Love it!

Janna said...

Grace: Hee! :) I think my favorites are Mopstr and Mobed. :)

Steven said...

I make it a personal goal to use at least one of these a day. I love the looks I get, and it's fun to outrun those people in the lab coats carrying a straightjacket.

Janna said...

Steve: Excellent! Be sure to teach them to your friends and family too. And strangers. And employers. :)

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

These a good, as usual. But shouldn't someone who collects spam words have her own verification thingy turned on?

Janna said...

Jeff: I've thought about that, actually. Sometimes I AM tempted to turn on the word verification thingy. Overall, though, I think my tiny handful of readers might see it as an added annoyance and might comment less often. Which, of course, would break my heart. :)