Wow, it's Thursday again already?
Ok, well, here... how about more entries for the Jannapedia.
It's either that or "Thirteen things I just scooped out of the litter box."
Trust me, you're getting the better end of the deal.
STACT: My leftovers have been stact in the freezer for ages and some of them just invented the wheel.
BECAN: A pecan that tastes like bacon. (Good for turkey stuffing, bad for sundaes).
RESSIP: Try spelling it backwards!
DINGESSE: A dingus with finesse.
COAKE: The favorite cola of people who can't spell.
EXHALL: 1. When Whall breathes out. 2. A corridor that has resigned.
THELID: If you're gonna keep bugs in a jar, be sure to poke some holes in thelid.
MISIN: If you're misin for more than 3 weeks, can I have your stuff?
SKABLES: Sounds like a mix between scabies and stables. Don't touch the horses!
PEEGITS: Peegits on the carpet when the cats miss the litter box.
ANLESS: After I started caring less anless about being "normal", I slept better at night.
GASION: The ion you get from eating beans.
HYTHSH: A cat with a lisp, trying to hiss.
You should visit Serena; she does these word definitions too. I've never much had the aptitude.
haha i like the hissing cat one!
Becans could be a hit. Everything is better with bacon.
You so crack me up. The lisping cat. What a ressip these words are. ROFLMAO
These are my favorite posts.
VE: Serena? I'll have to figure out who that is... (Anyone? Anyone?)
Mr.Condescending: Thankth. :)
DaOldMan: So true!
Thom: I try!
Whall: So, CAN I have your stuff if you're misin for more than three weeks? Except for the rock band stuff?
She's Parenthetically Speaking on my blog roll...
VE: Ahh! The blogroll that hasn't been updated since April 2nd, you mean? :)
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