Full of music.... and fish
I'm back from the concert!
Things actually went ok.
I haven't heard the recording yet, but it sounded like my composition went all right.
There was no cash thrown onstage, and Johnny Depp was nowhere in sight, but I did get some nice compliments from friends as well as total strangers who liked the music.
I'm completely exhausted and will be going to bed soon, but wanted to make sure I blogged first. :)After the concert, we went to The Hunt Club in Hillsdale for dinner.
I ended up getting the "all you can eat" Alaskan Whitefish.
It was pretty good, but I probably shouldn't have eaten five huge pieces of it.
I seem to be growing gills and fins and a tail.
[insert musical joke about "scales"]
Congrats on a good night. Well, except for the growing fins and stuff.
Good to hear No. 2 from previous post didn't happen and that all went well. Pretty good for a Monday, wasn't it..well, except for what Joe said. ;)
DaOldMan: Suddenly I feel the need to stay away from sharks... even more than usual, I mean.
UnfinishedRambler: It was sorta like a Monday, except it was Friday, even though we usually rehearse on Tuesday. Confused yet? :)
Travis: Yay!
(Insert followup joke about a bass clef)
Whall: *groan*!! :)
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