Friday, May 1, 2009

At least I get to be famous either way

Tonight is our concert!
Among other things, we'll be playing a composition I wrote.

I foresee two possible outcomes:

1. All the right notes, always in tune, always on time. Standing ovation. Cash being thrown at the stage. Movie deals and phone calls from Hollywood. Dinner invitations from Johnny Depp. CD recording deals from whoever does that sort of thing. Fame ensues.

2. After the oboes miss their cues for the 145,368th time and come in late (and flat), with the cello missing its pizzicato note at the very end of the 2nd movement again, and the tubas missing their high notes in the 3rd movement, and the bass drum again failing to properly play something as simple as a series of dry quarter notes and rests, Janna's brain explodes and she stumbles off the stage into the front row of seats, falling into the arms of some unfortunate guy named Reginald, who is not all that crazy about being covered in exploding brains. Pictures show up in the newspaper on Saturday, and fame ensues (posthumously).
I'll do my best to keep you posted.


Ed & Jeanne said...

"All the right notes, always in tune, always on time. Standing ovation. Cash being thrown at the stage. Movie deals and phone calls from Hollywood. Dinner invitations from Johnny Depp. CD recording deals from whoever does that sort of thing. Fame ensues."

Of course when they throw Johnny Cash's remains at the state everyone runs screaming from the premises. The movie deals and phone calls are about how your relative obtained Cash's remains. Johnny Depp does invite you to dinner only because he wants to smoke some of Cash's ashes with Keith Richards (whom he invited too).

Oh yes, we can spin many scenarios...

Good luck!

Da Old Man said...

I'm thinkng it will be the first scenario.

Then don't forget the little people. It really pisses off midgets and dwarves when they are forgotten.

Marilyn said...

Or maybe something in between? Maybe the start of a slow climb to stardom? In a few months your music will go viral on you tube and you get invitations to compose for some symphony and they start talking about you on Performance Today?

Janna said...

VE: It would be worth it.

DaOldMan: I love people of all sizes! Unless they tailgate me or mess up my drive-thru order.

Marilyn: It did indeed end up being something in between. I'm exhausted but relatively pleased about how it all went. :) Whew!

Travis Cody said...

But your compositions are beautiful! Well, the one I heard is at least. I'm sure everything will be fine.

And based on the one piece I heard, I'd buy a CD.

Janna said...

Travis: The problem isn't the composition, it's the people trying to play it. But things turned out ok in the end. At least I think it did; I haven't heard the recording yet, but it sounded ok from where I was sitting.

whall said...

We all know it will be the first scenario. Wanna know how I know?

Reginald stayed home with flu (hooiooioo)
The doctor knew just what to. Doo+whooo.
He cured the infection
With one small injection
Then Reginald shouted some
OUCH! That hurt
YOW! That smarts!
HEY! That's not fair giving a guy a shot down there!

Who knew schoolhouse rock was so premonitious?

Marilyn said...

I can't wait till it goes viral on You Tube and NPR does a segment about it.

Janna said...

Whall: Hey, that brings back memories! I remember that! I loved those!

Marilyn: Scary and fun at the same time!