Janna the M&M
Thanks to this website, I now know what I would look like if I was an M&M.The hairstyle isn't quite right, but everything else is ok. I do love to wear sandals in the summertime. I do love books. And of course I'm part alien, so my skin is a beautiful shade of blue-green.
I love the snarky expression.
Notice how I chose the peanut version instead of the plain round version. Consider it a symbolic awareness of my inner nut.
I will melt in your mouth OR your hands, depending on what happens there.
Oh, and here's what Fab would look like as an M&M.I'm not sure what his melting policy is.
You should probably ask first, before you do anything too drastic involving hands and mouths.
Why am I pink? And what is that glare? And why am I wearing gloves? I don't even own a pair of gloves...
I love your hair. what shampoo do you use?
Mr. Fab: You are that color because that's the closest thing I could find to normal flesh tone.
The glare is their attempt to create a feeling of 3-D.
And you're wearing gloves because ALL the M & M's had to wear gloves.
Still, pretty cute, huh?
Teri: If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
You look mah-velous, dahlink.
Mr Fabulous seems the type to melt in your mouth--even after he promises not to! ;)
I am not quite sure "snarky" is quite the word I would use. I have seen women with this expression numerouse times in my life.
Like after a premature ejaculation on a hot date. Or after forgetting the Viagra on a hot date. Or discovering the hole in the rubber at the end of a hot date. Or the wife catching you on a hot date. Or "melting in the mouth" during the middle of a hot date......
Not quite sure Snarky is the word for it.
Later Y'all.
DesertSongbird: Thank you! I try!
Metalmom: ROFL. Yes, I can imagine that quite clearly. :)
Meloncutter: Um... do those things happen to you a lot?
I couldn't get a hot date now with a 5 dollar bill and a 2 dollar hooker. Damn. I saw this on the history channel or something. That's my story and I am sticking to it.
So there.
nanna boo boo
Later Y'all.
Yeah, I can picture Fab saying, "I won't melt in your mouth, I promise."
Meloncutter: LOL!! I love the part about the five dollar bill and the two dollar hooker!
Pand0ra: I think he says it to Avitable all the time. Although by now Avi knows better, of course.
I love that smirk on your face! :)
Great job on this one, Janna.
I still like the southparked Janna best!
CWM: I wish the hairstyle looked better. Somehow it still doesn't quite look like me....
Wayne: Me too! :)
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