Sunday, February 11, 2007

Round and round and round and....

This is hilarious, in a "How dizzy can we make the hamster" sort of way.
Click here to see it.
What I want to know is, what's that thing posted on the wall with the digital numbers on it? It can't possibly be a thermometer; the numbers fluctuate too wildly for that. So what is it? Any ideas? Please enlighten me, after you're done laughing at Tic and Tac.
Lesson for today: Centrifugal force (and inertia) works on rodents too!


Morgiana Le Fey said...

janna, you need to warn people that, if they have to pee, they should do so BEFORE watching this video...and i think the digital readout is of revolutions of the wheel per minute, because it fluxuated (sp?) with how fast that little guy was or was not going.

also--I GOT CONTACTS!!! hehehe...

thanks for your comment on my myspace, i think about you too! even if i don't comment, i visit your blog religiously, and am never disappointed!

Travis Cody said...

That was hilarious!! No idea what the counter thingy is.

Crankster said...

I'm thinking the counter measures revolutions per minute or something like that. Its fluctuations are about a beat behind those of the hamsters.

Anonymous said...

It's a 'wireless' bicycle speedometer. There is a little magnet on the wheel that leaves a speed count on the sensor on the little metal arm mounted on the wall to the left of the wheel.
I can't figure out if Tic is doing 6.8 or 68kph... probably the former though I can't see the decimal point.