Monday, February 12, 2007

Manic Monday: SPIKE

Today's theme, as assigned by our fearless leader Morgen, is SPIKE.
At first I had no clue what to post for this.
After a lot of thinking, I wondered if perhaps I could do an entire post on migraines, which feel like a giant toxic spike is going into my eyeball. Then I thought maybe I could talk about how much I recently enjoyed Sprite spiked with blueberry schnapps.
But eventually it dawned on me that I knew the perfect thing for this topic. One of the definitions Morgen posted was this:
6. spikes, a pair of shoes having such projections.
Ah! Yes! This reminded me of a set of pictures my mom e-mailed me last week. They're a series of pictures of shoes which are the "latest fashions from Italy and Japan."
Some of them are 'spikes', and others are just, well, see for yourself:

And, last but not least, MY FAVORITE:
I'm afraid to ask how much all these COST!


Travis Cody said...

I kept looking at those trying to figure out how you gals would walk in them!!!

Great post and some wonky shoes.

Ingrid said...

OMG, these can only be invented and created by a MAN ! He doesn't have to walk "on" them. I really don't see myself stilting through the landscape with THAT !! But it's funny I took spiky shoes as subject too !

Lexa Roséan said...

wow great shoes especially the spikes!

Barb said...

Oh my lord... who would wear those? lol

Lizza said...

My calves and soles are already getting cramps by just looking at those photos. :-D Amazing, those shoes are.

Unknown said...

Erm... I´m not sure if they are made to WALK in them... maybe they are designed to wear tehm while... having... a... nap? LOL

Desert Songbird said...

I'm with Sanni on this one. I think those shoes were designed for..ahem...purposes other than walking...

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

my word honey, there are some ankle breakers there for sure!!

smiles, bee

Mo and The Purries said...

wow - yes, I thought a migraine spike through the eyeball would be conjured up, but these shoes are fab!
My gut instinct tells me a gay man designed these.
And the horse-shoe ones = wickedly fun! I want a pair!
Thanks for participating in
Manic Monday
love ya,
Manic Mo

Steven said...

Good luck running from a rape gang in those things! ;)


Anonymous said...

I think Japan put a legal limit on the height of heels because girls..and probably some guys were injuring themselves because they could not "Feel the ground"

Lisa Ryan said...

wow! I am 5'11", I only guess how tall those would make me!? 6'4" maybe?

No Mas said...

Ow, I see pain! The horse shoe soled shoes put a new spin on the old song "Gonna Walk All Over You."

Parlancheq said...

All I can say is ouch! I think I'll just stick with my Crocs and save my feet from torture. :)

Crankster said...

Okay, that last red pair really creeped me out. It's like a foot fetishist crossed paths with an insane architect.