Smells like forty-two
I turn 42 on Wednesday.
Apparently my cats chose to celebrate this by killing a mouse and hiding the body. They love me so much that they timed it perfectly so the decomposing carcass would start stinking JUST in time.
It's the thought that counts.Those of us who read those hilarious Douglas Adams books know that 42 is apparently the "answer" to the great question of Life, The Universe, And Everything.
I'm waiting.
(While I'm waiting, can someone pass the Febreze?)
That sucks.... I had a raccoon die in a vent once and it stank something awful..... as for 42 being the answer.... who knew? Better go get the book to find out why.
I hate the small of carcass. No matter how deep I bury them...
Mark Twain once said: Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Take heart. If you were a dog you'd be dead. Happy Birthday Janna.
It's now Wednesday so....
♪♪ Happy Birthday to you, ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Birthday to you, ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Birthday Dear Janna ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Birthday to you. ♪♪
Madman: Wow, a raccoon would stink way more than a mouse...
Shawn: Accgghhh!
nonamedufus: I mind, somehow....
Grace: Awwwww! :)
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