Monday, March 14, 2011

Various Thoughts

1. Vegetables would be way more fun to eat if they were blue instead of green. Green reminds me of grass and leaves. Blue reminds me of awesome coolness.

2. No one helped me with my computer problem yesterday... in fact, as of right now (8:55pm Monday night), no one has even tried. I felt very sad about this for awhile, but then I had some pizza and chocolate (not together), and now the world makes 12% more sense. No, wait... 9% more sense. I think I can bring it up to 10% if I burn an aromatherapy candle.

3. While in the grocery store parking lot last weekend, it seemed that every guy who walked by wanted to spit. Big giant disgusting gobs of spit were continuously casually horked up onto the pavement. This led me to a horrifying realization: By the year 2021, the planet will be completely covered in guy spit. I plan to be living on Pluto.

4. The main Internet social networking site in 2021 will be called "Spitter".


Phillipia said...

Chocolate...the great problem solver...
Sorry about your computer...

nonamedufus said...

Vegetables aren't fun to eat under any circumstances. Just my opinion.

Janna said...

Phillipia: Chocolate is indeed a miracle!

nonamedufus: The only exception might be french fries and ketchup. Is taco sauce a vegetable?