In summer, the sweat drips and pours
As humidity smothers my pores
I crave a cold ice laden drink
While my armpits have started to stink
And other parts cry out for soap
But for now they will just have to cope
Until I'm done typing my post
And letting my innards sizzle and roast
12:08 AM
Labels: Friday Flash 55, Pet Peeves and other annoying things, poetry
So it's hot and muggy where you live?
In this part of Michigan it's cool and perfect!!.....NOT!!!!!
Excellent 55 Janna...To the point of making me sick!
Very descriptive...Very!
You are like a Fedders 5000 BTU Air Conditioner happily purring in your bedroom window, while the rest of your house is like the Mojave Desert!!
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...G
g-man: There's been more humidity here than inside a pro-wrestler's spandex shorts.
Youse guys do not know what humidity IS! Until you've LIVED...........
in Naples, FL
Good "55", I really LOVE these things
For mine, GO HERE
I know the feeling - 100+ most days here, even in the rain.
I'ts so hot and humid here, you could die of thirst or drown just breathing the air.
Oh, same here!
Folks in my part of the world complain about humidity and they have no idea. Once summer actually starts, it's God's country. Thanks for visiting my 55.
Sounds like it's time to stick a fork in you and turn you over!
Ouch. Are you done yet? Don't cook too long, or you might get tough and stringy.
What gets to me is when I'm fresh out of the shower and sit down only to start sweating immediately.
Mine is here.
Steveroni: Note to self: Never move to Florida.
Changnoi: Accgghh!!
StanSki: Gaaahhhhckkk!
MamaZen: This is why I hate summer!
MonkeyMan: My version of "God's Country" is a place that never gets over 70 degrees. Ever. And usually hovers in the 50's and 60's. Now THAT would be divine. :)
nonamedufus: Yes, I definitely want to brown evenly...
PattiKen: I think I passed the "tough and stringy" point last Thursday.
AliceAudrey: Exactly! I know the feeling!
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