Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rambling on and on because it's raining and I haven't had lunch yet

Have you ever laid awake at night, fraught with stress and can't sleep because you're trying to think of the name of that blue furry Sesame Street guy who always sounds like he needs a throat lozenge? This site can help. It will re-introduce you to every Muppet and Sesame Street character you ever knew. You will breathe a sigh of relief and say "Ohhhh. His name was Grover," and then you can roll over and go to sleep, only to have dreams with songs like these.

After a brief discussion with Kermit the Frog, you can remind each other of the letter "H" and the number 7, agreeing that the world as we know it would indeed fall apart without them.

Unless you live in Russia, where the letter "H" is actually the letter "N".

The world would also fall apart without duct tape, yet it's odd how the Muppets never sing about that.


whall said...

Need some duct tape?

Janna said...

Whall: How much can you spare?

Anonymous said...

I haven't had lunch yet either. I'm kinda glad the Muppets were AFTER my time - as cute as Kermit might be.

Janna said...

Grace: After your time? Really? I remember watching the Muppet show when I was a kid. I liked it, but I got the impression my parents liked it a lot more. :)

Monkey Man said...

So in Russian without duct tape they would go to nell in a nandbasket? That seems so wrong. Probably keep me up at night.

Janna said...

MonkeyMan: Sorry to Near about your iHsomHia.

Marilyn said...

I looooved the muppets.

Janna said...

Marilyn: I like most of them. :) Miss Piggy annoys me to death, but the rest are fun.