The verdict is in....
So, did any of you wonder how the composing contest turned out?
Tuesday night, after band, the group listened to my music and Kyle's music.
I'm humbled and honored to report that they voted me as the winner. (!!)
Wow! :)
So, did any of you wonder how the composing contest turned out?
Tuesday night, after band, the group listened to my music and Kyle's music.
I'm humbled and honored to report that they voted me as the winner. (!!)
Wow! :)
12:06 AM
Labels: people from band
It's not humility if you're the best.
(hehehe teehee you won!)
You rock.
Well, in a classical way.
Whall: Humility's a good thing to have either way, but yes, I'm still excited! :)
DaOldMan: That's my favorite way! :)
Yay! See? I knew you won and I didn't even hear the other guy. You should cook him a burger as a consolation prize.
Marilyn: He likes spicy stuff, so he might actually enjoy the burger recipe I posted....
Congratulations - it was a lovely piece
and, shall i add, we UNANIMOUSLY voted you the winner...
looking forward to the results of the next competition (.=
Is there a link to Kyle's entry anywhere? I loved yours but I'd also love to hear his!
Congradulations, after hearing that piece, I just knew you had won!
Grace: Thank you! :)
Morgian: The next one will be a lot harder!
Wavemancali: Yes... he ended up putting his piece online too. You can listen to his by clicking here.
Skye: Yay! I'm glad people like it! :)
Good for you! And is there any way we can hear more of your work?
I really enjoyed that piece.
Travis: I'm glad you liked it! It's online because Kyle was kind enough to upload it onto his server. I can't do that myself because I don't have my own server, plus I'm stuck with a lousy dial-up connection. Soooo, I guess the answer is that there will be more of my music online IF Kyle decides to put it there. Here's hoping! :)
Morgen: Yay!
Ok honest opinion after hearing Karl's piece and re-reading the contest rules:
1)I think you were rightfully declared the winner.
2)I think you had the easier end of things because
Instrumentation: Trumpet, woodblock, cello, bari sax, cowbell is a hard sell I don't care who you are.
3) I want to see a third party in your group put forward the requirements for the next contest where you are working within the exact same rule set.
Wavemancali: I know; the rules were kind of lopsided. The group agreed that the next contest should be on more even ground. I'll post more about it in the future, if we end up going through with it. :)
BTW, I also wrote a piece for the rules I gave Kyle (bari sax, cowbell, cello, trumpet, woodblock, etc, etc). I think it turned out pretty well. The group liked it. :) So the project was definitely not insurmountable for either set of rules.
Stay tuned!
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