Today's doodle theme is "vacation."
I'd love to vacation in England, Scotland, or Ireland, or any combination thereof.
Though I don't know if they would love me as much as I would love them:.
Oh, and they call vacation "Going on holiday".
Pass the fish and chips.
God save the Queen.
12:24 AM
Janna, we should totally go together, for together we could annoy England, Ireland AND Scotland! It would be fucking fantastic! Pip! Pip! Cheerio!
Gwen: Yes! Oooh! Maybe they'll lock us up in the Tower Of London!
The really crucial thing to remember if you come over this way is that the definition of fanny differs very significantly and you should never refer to yours or anyone else's. Certainly don't ask a British man if he thinks yours is big unless you're absolutely certain you can accept the consequences.
Mark: Ahhh, yes... I learned all about that HERE.
I went to England once, it was a blast. I bought some socks that said "whiffy bum" on them, and a big postcard with a sign that said "Please mind the gap".
If I won the lottery, I would so move over there.
harharhar! i luv dis doodle!
I'd love to have a proper tea. One lump or two?
I know I would NOT be liked if I went to England. Arn't they all polite there?
Those Brits can be so uptight. Here in Chicago we love people who try to talk like us :).
LOL! If I ever went there, I'd stand there not saying anything except, keep talking as I stand hear and drool at your accent, and then perhaps try to imitate them. :)
Annoying the locals is the best part of going on vacation, right?
Cor blimey, gov'nor! Ods bodkins! Bollocks!
And you could rent a car and put all your stuff in the boot.
Yes go to England Janna... no really, they'll love you there... there's nothing that would interest you here in Aus...
("Fair dinkum mate, stone the flammin' crows if this Janna dag wasn't gunna come the raw prawn and head over 'ear... crikey that was close")
Asara: LOL! My old socks already smell like whiffy bum! :)
jh and mm: Yay! Welcome!
Willthink4Wine: You can have three, since I will be having zero. I like my tea plain and straight.
DirtyLaundryDiva: I must go there and find out!
Franscud: Wow, offhand I can't think of what a Chicago accent sounds like. I'm from Michigan... is it possible you sound like ME??
Chica: I agree! I love the accents they have.
Yummy: But I want them to love me! Love me! Love me, dammit!
SoapyNethers: I can hear your voice saying that, and it's funny. :)
Travis: Not the bonnet? Ohhhh....
Angry: Never fear! I adore Australian accents too! Come talk to me! Here, read this phone book...
Janna, you should go visit Cheer34 and have a look at her holiday pictures!
Hopefully your connection will be okay...
Sans: I just went! What wonderful pictures! Thanks for directing me to them. :)
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