Things I've Never Seen
1) A squirrel dressed up as a chipmunk (Then again, how would I know? Maybe ALL chipmunks are just really skinny squirrels in drag)
2) A football game in which I actually gave a rat's ass who won or lost
3) A bottle of goat urine
4) A man in sandals wearing pink toenail polish
5) You, giving me a million dollars
You can't bet rodent rear ends on football games. You have to bet money. M-o-n-e-y.
Mr. Fab: And here I was hoping you would offer to wear the pink toenail polish....
You know what I've never seen? Squirrels in drag wearing sandals and pink toenail polish cheering at a football game and selling bottles of goat urine to raise a million dollars to give to you.
I'm also willing to bet that that's the first time anyone has ever written that.
You've led a very sheltered life.
What? No goat pee? I can't imagine! Where DO you live?
You've never seen goats urine? Nor a man in sandals wearing pink toenail polish?
What kinda freak are ya?!?!?!
Gwen: I know! Usually the squirrels here are selling steroids instead.
Travis: Tell me about it!
Julie: I live in the frozen tundra of Michigan, and am currently so cold my toes are numb.
Dutchy: Well, I'm hoping Fab agrees to model the toenail polish... Not sure if he can help me out with the goat or not.
Sent you a graphic of #4
Sorry it wasn't #5...
YOU are going to have the most interesting Google search list...
Morgen: Ahh, but you can't prove that the graphic was of a GUY wearing pink toenail polish. It was just a disembodied foot....
Pand0ra: If only I knew how to access it!
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