Musical Afterglow

And I have to say things went pretty well. No concert is ever perfect, and there are some notes I would've liked to have tweaked, but overall I'm pleased and relieved.
Remember that one of the pieces we played was one I'd composed. Things went well enough that I'm thinking of perhaps writing something for the next concert too. I dunno if it will be for the entire ensemble or just a smaller subgroup. We'll see. I feel inspired!
During intermission, someone came up to tell me how much he enjoyed the piece I'd written.
It was my old band director from high school!
I graduated from high school in 1988, so he and I hadn't seen each other in a long time.
After the concert, another guy came up to tell me he liked my playing (I had a couple solos). It was the the chairman of the music department at Hillsdale College-- and he's a french horn player!
I am overwhelmed with the kind responses from everyone I spoke to.
I really had a wonderful time.
Please give me a few moments to bask in the afterglow.
(I don't have to wear sunscreen for that, do I?)
That's awesome, Janna. I am glad you had a good time and it was all well received.
You ROCK! (in a classical way of course!) I'm glad it went well!
Glad to hear that everything went well! And great that you saw our former band instructor!! He was a very important person in our lives for much of high school. I hope he's doing well. I hear the new program there is not doing so well. Nonetheless, congrats on your piece and another successful concert!! Now resume basking.
Kudos on the accolades! I'm sure they are much deserved.
You may continue basking for as long as necessary. I don't think any heat is involved, so you're okay.
Congrats, bask away, and Cheers!!
Wow. how cool. Congratulations.
Can you record something and put it online? Even just minute or two?
Yay for you!
You could be the next John Phillips Sousa - only people would LIKE your stuff!!!!!!
Very very cool! I am happy for you!
Shelli: Thank you! :)
Metalmom: Classical is the best way to rock, though I love heavy metal too. :)
Steve: He seems to be doing will, yes... and his son became a teacher too!!
DesertSongbird: Good. I hate wearing sunscreen.
Matt-man: Thank you! :)
GoingLikeSixty: I can try, though I'm kind of technically inept when it comes to things like that. I might be able to find a recording of the concert...
Morgen: LOL! I can only hope!
Mr. Fab: Wish you could have been there to listen!
Congratulations for your success!
Just bestowed a very prestigious award on you...drop by my blog sometime and see what you got!
Travis: Thanks! I wish my blogger friends could have been there to hear me.
Steve: I will wear it with honor and pride! Thank you. :)
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