Friday, September 14, 2007

Various Thoughts

(1) I hate reality TV shows, but it might be neat if we could strike up a deal with some aliens. They could randomly probe a different celebrity each week, and it would all be caught on film! Kind of like "ET meets Candid Camera"... with an added dose of the surgery shows and a porno flick. Would that be a ratings juggernaut or what???

(2) I've decided that "Skank-O-Septic" would be a fun name for a feminine hygiene spray.

(3) It would have been a fun practical joke if Beethoven was only pretending to be deaf, so he could more easily eavesdrop on people. I could test this theory by making a sign that says "Feel free to talk about me; I can't hear you anyway". It could be an interesting experiment, though it might lead to me slashing a few tires later on.

On my other blogs today...
Jantics: Three things I have never found on the ground
Jantrails: Ten things Mozart never had to deal with


Liz Hill said...

LMAO @ #1

and to Fabby I say HEY you hush about Ludwig--hear me!!

Michael C said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. These 3 thoughts are pure genius! I will definitely be back!!!

Jeni said...

Hmmm. Interesting concept there about Beethovan and being deaf - I always thought my kids either had a hearing disorder or possibly at times, were totally deaf. Seems they never heard me. Then I thought for a long time that maybe I was talking in a language foreign to them. I think it was - the language of "work." They hear that one loud and clear now though since they're on their own, working, trying to make ends meet, etc., raise kids. What goes around, comes around ya know!

Mo and The Purries said...

What, no Jannagraphed ad for "Skank-O-Septic"?

I hear it's coming out in new Wharf Mist scent.

Janna said...

Mr. Fab: He was frequently bitter. It's one of the things we have in common.

Turnbaby: Yeah! Music fans unite!

Michael: Glad you liked it! Come back soon! Bring cookies!

Jeni: I remember also being deaf to the language of work. Last Wednesday, for example...

Mo: Funny you should mention that... I DID consider making a graphic, but decided not to.
"Wharf Mist"... LOL... ewww. :)

Travis Cody said...

I've never liked the term reality for these programs. There's nothing real about doing anything in front of a bunch of tv cameras.

Shows like Survivor are game shows.

I prefer the dancing shows or the singing least there is the entertainment value of watching people who have a talent.

Yes yes...I know you debate whether that singing show presents anyone with talent.

Janna said...

Travis: But what did you think about Skank-O-Septic??

Wayne said...

the ET thing would be such a smash hit! brilliant!

Janna said...

Wayne: Thank you!

Tug said...

I LOVE the idea of'll have to let me know when it's airing.

Also love your new header...very nice!