Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thirteen Random Items For No Reason

1) A pile of bear droppings in Yellowstone Park
2) Bacon grease stain on a green shirt
3) Satellite dish in the back yard of someone named "Billy Bob"
4) Twelve-year-old saxophone which has never been played by a good musician
5) Office water cooler which has been peed in by a disgruntled employee
6) Beef burrito on a paper plate, about to be eaten by someone from Romania
7) Half a cup of pomegranate juice
8) Chunk of cement which was once thrown at the TV during a Presidential speech
9) Dictionary which translates Arabic into Danish
10) Quaint old barn being set on fire by a pyromaniac juvenile delinquent whose parents weren't very good with discipline
11) Half a bagel with peanut butter on it
12) Elm tree which has been strewn with toilet paper
13) Scottish terrier named Pete, who has just sniffed the ass of a French poodle named Foofie.
Thursday Thirteen on my other blogs:
Jantrails: Thirteen Habits I Could Have That Would Be WORSE Than My PR Obsession
Jantics: Thirteen Color Names That Would Be BAD For Nail Polish


Unknown said...


Later Y'all

Julia Phillips Smith said...

1 TT isn't enough...? OK, I'll go check them out, too.

I'm going to mash the juvenile pyromaniac, by the way.

Marilyn said...

I have none of those things and I'm okay with it.

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Oh, my, #5 scares me...we're all disgruntled @ Hell...
Which President was the chunk of cement thrown @? Just curious.

Mo and The Purries said...

I did 3 TTs today too...
I think I need a nap.
Or half a cup of pomegranate juice.

Janna said...

Meloncutter: Sickening, isn't it?

Julia: He certainly NEEDS mashing!

Marilyn: Me too... I think.

Bundle: I'll give you a clue... it's the president who can't pronounce the word "nuclear."

Morgen: Yum!

Unknown said...

Have you ever heard of chaos theory? It states that that must be some order to your list (and your brain). I'll get working on writing that algorithm right away.

The Ferryman said...

I think that's my chunk of cement.

Travis Cody said...

Hang on...what's with #11? Did you have a moment of sanity when you were writing this 13?

That was so unexpected.

Janna said...

Steve: Keep me updated!

Mr. Fab: Will you autograph it for me?

Travis: I do my best to keep you guessing.