Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Not a great flavor combination

Over the weekend I tried the new Summer Tropical flavor of Pepsi.
Not all that great.
The flavor is kinda reminiscent of banana, melon, and ass.
Go on, take a whiff.


The Ferryman said...

So...are we to deduce from that that you have sampled a banana freshly pulled from an ass?

Lynda said...

I don't drink soda (or pop or carbonated beverage), but smelling ass while drinking just doesn't have appeal for me.

Cincy Diva said...

To paraphrase Margaret Cho:

Altho ass...while delicious...is not something I want to drink!

Seriously, that sounds gross

Janna said...

Mr. Fab: Yes! It's called "Summer Tropical Pepsi."
Really, the senses of smell and taste are so closely linked that you can pretty much tell what something would taste like just by smelling it. Think of fragrant things like oregano or lemon. They taste the same way they smell. Thus I can pretty much deduce what ass would taste like... not that I ever want to give it a try. The Pepsi is close enough.

Lynda: Why on earth don't you drink pop?????

Cincy Diva: LOL. Yup, there are definitely better beverages out there.

Schmoop said...

I just laughed out loud...Good One.

Danielle said...

Flavored Pepsi or Coke have never appealed to me. Hansen's Natural Soda on the other hand is surprisingly yum.
I like my beverages ass free.

Unknown said...

i'm am totally freaked out, i nearly had the same thought mr. fab posted ... *shudders* ... only i mixed in the melons too.

Janna said...

Matt-man: Glad it made you laugh! :)

Danielle: "Ass-free" is even more important than "Caffeine-free"!!

Onionboy: Soon the microchip in your brain will turn you into an exact replica of Mr. Fab. Don't fight it; that will only make things worse.

Liz Hill said...


Definitely worried now cause I thought the exact same thing as Onionboy--oh my ;-)

Jen said...

Diet carbonated beverages are my life source. But tropical? I haven't seen that yet, must be the minuscule town I live in. I will not sully my beverage with tropical ass.

Janna said...

Turnbaby: Fab will be glad to hear he has so many groupies...

Jen: I hate diet soda, but I know what you mean about carbonated beverages being a major life source. :)

Roberta said...

That's quite a flavor combination choice. I'll make sure to avoid that.

Janna said...

Meloncutter: What about Pepsi bottles?

Amisare: There must be someone out there who likes this stuff... I mean, surely Pepsi would have test marketed it and found enough people who approved...???

Mo and The Purries said...

Somehow, I don't think Pepsico is going to be overnighting you a lovely care package like those Dove Chocolates people did....

Janna said...

Morgen: LOL... I thought about that too!

Lynda said...

Occasionally, I will have a coke or a sprite, but I gave it up a few months ago because we just didn't agree with each other.

Maybe I will take it up again when summer is here.

Janna said...

Lynda: Yes, take up the habit again! Carbonation is one of life's great pleasures! It makes you burp and everything!!