Wednesday, May 2, 2007

At least I didn't put them in the oven

Proof that I have a lot on my mind and am not quite thinking straight today:
I just got up to pour a glass of Redpop. Usually I don't bother with ice and glasses, but today I decided to go the extra mile.
After I made everything just the way I like it, I stood there in front of the fridge for a moment... holding the bag of ice cubes...
Wondering if the ice should go in the FREEZER or the FRIDGE.
I was drawing a blank there, for a moment.


Desert Songbird said...

Oh, I can SO relate to this. I've found some strange things in my son will put his Legos in there at times.

Janna said...

Desert Songbird: At least then you can blame the weirdness on your son. I'm single and alone, and I have no one to blame but myself if I find Legos in my fridge someday!

Marilyn said...

You mean Legos don't go in the fridge?

Janna said...

Marilyn: It takes them a lot longer to ripen in there. Ideally they should be left at room temperature but out of direct sunlight.

Roberta said...

At least they're both in the same room.

The Ferryman said...

Why do you even have Legos?

Lynda said...

At least you didn't put ice cream in the fridge, and then have someone else discover it two hours later.

Mo and The Purries said...

I have no room to talk.
I've told you before about putting the hot dogs in the cupboard and the empty plate (wiped off, of course) into the fridge...

Janna said...

Amisare: True...

Mr. Fab: I am a multifaceted individual with many quirks. Learn to embrace them. :)

Lynda: You did that????

Morgen: I forgot about that!!