Monday, November 6, 2006

Bitten By The Beta Monster

Ok, I finally did it.
I switched to beta!!
Now that I have Firefox, it's possible. It was absolutely NOT possible with my previous browsers (Explorer 4.0 and Netscape 7.1). I was getting pretty worried for awhile there, because I knew Blogger was eventually going to make EVERYONE switch over to beta. Without a compatible browser, I knew my blogging days would soon be toast.
But now I think I'm okay.
Time will tell, but so far so good.


Schmoop said...

Looking Rightgeous, Janna

Mo and The Purries said...

So, my dear, were you up ALL night switching, or did it go *poof* and you're done?!?
Hope you had lots of fun switching!
(oh, and by the way: It looks FABULOUS!)


Janna said...

Matt-man: Thank you!
Morgen: Yeahhh, I was up all night. I couldn't decide what template I wanted, and I musta screwed around with a couple hundred different colors before I found ones I really liked.

Cincy Diva said...

Welcome to the Land of Beta! I don't have firefox but will try it out when I get my computer at home.