Saturday, September 2, 2006


I had an ugly nasty migraine today, which still hasn't gone away completely...
Made these pictures so you can all see what my head feels like.


STAK said...

electrical storms in the brain are no laughing matter........i'm sorry........stop by my blog when you can see without feeling like your eyes are being gouged out of your head.......i pimped you again......wait.......that didn't sound right..........

Mo and The Purries said...

hey there -- hope you're feeling better.
take 2 of my Labor Day posts and don't call me in the morning.

feel better.

STAK said...

after WAY too many fantasy football draft beers(this is not to say beers on tap.....these came from cans), i think i know almost EXACTLY how you feel......

Morgiana Le Fey said...

Hey woman, sorry about your migrane, I relate *hugs*

Also sorry that kyle and I did not make it to rehearsal tonight. We both of us just have had way too much going on lately and needed a break...I, to sleep; he, to practice and spend quality time with his beloved. Hope you feel all better! *hugs* Love ya!

Jules said...

Ouch. :-(