It's still better than talking to goldfish
Recently at McDonalds, I saw an older guy walking out to his car . His pants didn't fit very well, and he really needed to pull them up. They were sagging noticeably.
While watching him, I thought "Wow, hey, pull up your pants!!"
And, a few seconds later, he reached back and pulled up his pants. (!)
This can only mean one thing.
I am able to telepathically communicate with people over 50.
I'll spend the next few days considering how I can effectively use this new-found superpower.
UPDATE:This just in...
After extensive research experimenting with the new superpower, I've made the following discoveries:
1) Sadly, I am not able to summon Mike Mills to visit me while wearing a glow-in-the-dark thong, nor am I able to convince him to answer the fan letter I sent him last summer. Neither will he agree to autograph my huge collection of R.E.M. CD's even if I allow him to wear clothes over the glow-in-the-dark thong. I get the impression he's also not interested in connubial bliss atop a grand piano.
2) Just a moment. I'm still not done being devastated about #1.
3) I was not able to convince the CEO of Taco Bell to give me a lifetime supply of chalupas.
4) Neither was I able to make a driver of a red Toyota go faster than 45 mph in a 55 zone.
Clearly more research is needed.
Are YOU over 50? If so, what am I thinking right now?
"Are YOU over 50? If so, what am I thinking right now?"
8-Track tapes and how cool they were.
You know for the last week I've unconsciously been pulling up my pants. Now my belt's up around my chest.
LOTGK: I was born in 1970. So I almost sort of vaguely remember 8-track tapes, but not quite. Most of my childhood and teens were spent with cassettes instead. It wasn't until halfway through college that I really started caring about CD's.
nonamedufus: It works!! Now if you could please deliver that pizza to the address I mentioned...
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