Monday, February 20, 2012

Because chocolate makes everything better

Some very nice people invited me over to their house for dinner last night.
It was their way of comforting me after I lost my grandmother last Thursday.
They're good friends. We all need friends like that.

One of them had a surprise for me.
He and I both love hot spicy things, and he made me some fudge.
Not just any kind of fudge, but jalapeno fudge.

Chocolate fudge with pureed jalapeno peppers in it.

He didn't tell me what it was beforehand. I was sitting at the table, and someone put three squares of fudge in front of me, on a napkin.

Then they stood around and waited suspensefully for me to try it.

I suspected something might be worthy of caution, since this is one of the friends I'd shared a few of my ghost peppers with.
I nibbled a tiny bit of the fudge.
Sure enough, it was slightly peppery, but nothing anything close to ghost pepper strength. I learned later that it was just jalapenos. So not really very hot at all.
Still, pretty interesting.
In a few minutes, all three squares had been eaten.

He let me take an entire batch of it home. :)

I have great friends.


Marcia said...

Hi, Janna - just found your blog and am really enjoying it. I started mine two years ago and it's one of the most fun and satisfying thing I've ever done.
Keep blogging!

nonamedufus said...

Janna, good to have you back. When I was in Orlando last month I took my brother out for breakfast at - his choice - Waffle House. In Canada we have something called a Western Omelette with red and green peppers, onions and ham. The closest thing WH had was something called a Fiesta Omelette. Yeah, you guessed it...with jalapeños. It sure woke me up!

Janna said...

Marcia: Thank you. Welcome to the Jannaverse. :)

nonamedufus: We have western omelettes here in Michigan too. I've seen them on menus, but never get them because I don't like peppers and onions in omelettes. The jalapeno one sounds fun, though!