Thursday, February 17, 2011

Math Problem For Today

Calculate how tired Janna is right now, on a scale from 1 to 100.

Multiply this number by the quantity of bean burritos that were eaten last Tuesday by people named "Jeffrey".

Divide by the average temperature in Saskatchewan. (Use Fahrenheit, no matter what anybody else says.)

Subtract twelve, and add the number of comments I got on this post.


nonamedufus said...

You had me at bean burritos. What was the question again?

Janna said...

nonamedufus: Ah! Now I finally know your weakness. Just a moment; let me write this down...

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

That other post is scary. The dude's eating babies.

Janna said...

MikeWJ: I prefer to think of it as "Wordlessly Bizarre."