Monday, October 19, 2009

Math problem for today

Count the number of times "Balloon Boy" has been mentioned on Twitter.

Subtract the number of chucks a woodchuck could chuck, if he could chuck wood.

Add the number of items the person in front of you is actually taking through the "12 items or less" lane.

Divide by the number of suspicious stains on your neighbor's carpet.

Take the resulting number and wrap it in aluminum foil. Place on cookie sheet and bake at 375 degrees until crispy around the edges but still soft in the middle.
Sprinkle with chocolate chips.


whall said...

Don't forget to add 1576 for the number of pages in the senate finance committee's health care bill

oh, and divide by the number of hours the public will be able to read it before they call for a vote (18) and multiply by the number of senators who will actually read it (4) and then subtract how many will personally financially profit from lobbying activities related to the contents of the bill.

Lee said...

Now, that is funny!

Janna said...

Whall: Cooking results may vary, depending on political preference.

Lee: And tasty!

nonamedufus said...

Balloon Boy mentions? Yowza those are gonna be some BIG cookies!

Anonymous said...

The answer is always 12...

Uncivil said...

Hows about sending me the winning powerball numbers when you figure out the answer to that math problem?

Marilyn said...

I thought the answer was always 144... oh well. I never was very good at math.

Moooooog35 said...


I baked a pi!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

A delicious math recipe if ever I saw one. Don't forget to add a little square root extract and some marj-theorem and top them with some chocolate isosceles.

Janna said...

NoNameDufus: Luckily there's no such thing as too much chocolate!

Grace: Make it 13, so we can have a baker's dozen.

Uncivil: 23, 8, 11, 19, 27, 1.

Marilyn: This is why your cookies always turn out 12 times bigger than Grace's.

Moooooog35: I like blueberry pi best. :)

Jeff: Chocolate isosceles look cute on ice cream, though they don't always have a lot of flavor. Try algeberries and fudgenometry! :)

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Once again, genius.

Have you forwarded this formula/recipe to Martha Stewart? Or Stephen Hawking? It could revolutionize the two most important things in the world: cooking and quantum physics.

Janna said...

MikeWJ: Martha was fussy because it didn't have enough cinnamon, and Stephen was busy trying to keep the planet from careening into a black hole.