Ben Hur, Done That
Well, my ISP still hasn't completely fixed the weird troubles it's been having, but at least it has moments where it's better now.
I learned that it was happening to other people besides me, which makes me feel better somehow, in a cozy warm group-schadenfreude-commiseration kind of way. It also reassures me that the problem does not originate with my computer.
Here are some of the things I did while I was unable to view 99% of cyberspace:1. I actually turned off the computer and walked away. Eventually. This was more difficult than it sounds, sort of like an alcoholic leaving a chilled unopened six-pack in the middle of the street and walking away slowly.
2. Watched Ben-Hur for the first time in my life and didn't really think it was all that great. It was way too long and the story was not all that enthralling. I was somewhat disgusted and amused by the fact that the opening credits called it "A Tale Of The Christ," despite the fact that Jesus is seen only 4 or 5 times (very briefly) during the nearly four-hour-long movie, and he never speaks a word. (!?!)
I hear there's also a blooper somewhere in the movie, where if you look closely at the sky during the chariot race you can see a plane flying by. And supposedly a red sports car somewhere as well. And Rolex watches.
Actually, I've learned that there are lots of errors in Ben-Hur. Wow. I'd watch it again to search for them, if I didn't value those four hours of my life quite so much.
3. Got some peace and quiet when I sat in my favorite part of the cemetery and drank tea. Drove by my favorite "old" tombstone there, which has someone born in 1797. Is that cool or what? McDonald's wasn't even close to being invented back then.4. Tried that new "Pepsi Throwback" stuff. I'll blog about it soon.
5. Noticed that there is poison ivy growing under my front porch steps.
6. Wrote music.
7. Made two very nice necklaces for my mother.8. Sang Monty Python songs to myself while sitting in the car, across the road from the Township Office.
9. Read this book and LOVED it. Really.
If my ISP gets its act together and fixes the rest of whatever's happening, I should be able to get back to posting every day again.
Hear that blind optimism in my voice? I'm pretending you've all missed me SO much you're running right toward that chilled six-pack someone left in the middle of the street.
You coulda met us in Padre and be having fun in the sun.
(we're here until Saturday)
Wait, Ben Hur was 4 hours long?? Crap, I knew I turned it off too soon, been thinking its only 2 hours for years.. :)
Whall: That's ok. I'll just stay here in Michigan and keep complaining. It's what I do.
Nipsy: IMDB says that depending on which version you watch, it's anywhere from 212 minutes to 224 minutes. Accgghh...
Nice to see you were productive during your time away from the interwebs.
Looking forward to your Pepsi review. (No hot sauce was involved, I hope)
I can't wait for the Pepsi review LOL. Glad you entertained yourself while away from the computer :)
i have never seen i'm even less likely to. thank you for sparing me the loss of those four hours, i'm sorry it had to come at the cost of your own.
nothing wrong with monty python...
I missed you.
It seems you had a very productive time away from the computer - good on you. I have seen Ben-Hur at least eleventy times, I rather like it, and the chariot race near the end - whoo-eee! but it does go on a bit too long...
DaOldMan: I wonder if it's possible to create a decent recipe that includes both Pepsi and hot sauce... Hmmm.
Thom: I did my best!
Morgian: I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok...
Gwen: Even during those couple of days when you hated all of humanity? (I read the Twitters...)
Grace: You've seen Ben Hur eleventy times? Wow. That's long enough to go on a weekend trip to Jamaica...
I heard an interview with that guy on NPR and thought of you. He actually played a little and I thought that they should have you on so the public can hear it played right.
Now I'll have to read the book.
Marilyn: They interviewed Jasper Rees? Really? Is it archived anywhere on the web so I can go listen?
I haven't had computer trouble since I upgraded to my laptop a little over two years ago. And now those days are over as IE and Google are having trouble playing nice together.
Ah well.
Janna, I think it was Fresh Air, but I could be wrong. I listen all day and sometimes get shows confused. I'm pretty sure Fresh Air archives are posted someplace but you's have to go to and wander around for a while.
you's=I've been reading google spam words, obviously.
I felt bad about sending you on a wild goose chase and Googled him. It was studio 360
Travis: Some days Google makes me want to take up target practice.
Marilyn: Ooooh! Thank you! When my ISP fixes its server problems I'll be able to go listen to that. Yay!
Marilyn: Oooh! I listened to it! How cool! Thank you! :)
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