If the schoolyard temperature is 40 degrees lower than the average, but still 20 degrees warmer than the record low, and if ice crystals start forming within 18 seconds, how many taste buds will Greg lose when his buddies dare him to stick his tongue on the flagpole?
10:05 PM
Labels: Manic Monday, math problems
None. He will stay there until the spring thaw.
Greg's too smart to take that dare.
All of them! Greg's a guy, and as such he'll fall for the trick :D
DaOldMan: Well... I guess he does have a small tongue...
Jamie: Yay!
Marilyn: Oh, you'd be surprised...
Skye: So true....
It's too damn cold to tell!
Hope your Monday wasn't too manic. ;)
CrAzYWorkingMom: Monday wasn't manic, but Tuesday was! :)
None, because ferrets don't eat bananas.
Travis: Excellent point!
It depends. Are you measuring this by Kelvin degrees or deoderant degrees?
Whall: College degrees.
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