With the right marinade, anything is possible
Thirteen things I thought after seeing this picture:

1. Would this make someone more likely or LESS likely to become a vegetarian?
2. Did he get paid for modeling this?
3. Look at all the stitch marks.... what did they use for thread?
4. Why is there a microphone on the floor?
5. There are little chunks of meat on the floor too; why is the coat falling apart?
6. Is he laughing because it's cold, because it tickles, or because he secretly enjoys it?
7. I hope he doesn't have a lot of butt hair.
8. Or armpit hair.
9. I wonder how much all that meat cost.
10. I wonder if they rinsed it off and cooked it afterward.
11. And I wonder if the person who ate it knew where it had been.
12. For all we know, this is where 99-cent burgers come from.
13. Place your order early enough, and you might get one without butt hair.
I only had one thought, well after the initial "eewwww" when I saw this: "WHY???"
The answer to #1? Waaaaaaaaaay more likely.
I think we're having veggie burgers tonight.
Definitely don't want to be downwind of that guy for a while.
Have to ask: Who is this guy? He looks vaguely familiar. A certain band protesting meat-eaters?
Morgen: I wish I knew the story behind it!
GigglePixie: I still haven't decided yet...
Marilyn: Those are good too! I like the "Morningstar Farms" ones.
Aoi: Especially on a hot summer afternoon!
UnfinishedRambler: If you find out, let me know!
Why!? Oh Why? Ewww!
For all we know, this is where 99-cent burgers come from.
Looking at his head, I bet he has lots of butt hair.
It's what's for Dinner Jackets.
Probably not a summer jacket. Clearly something to be worn to the Vegan Convention for fun...
Jen: Pretty freaky, huh?
Metalmom: I don't even want to think about where the 99-cent chicken sandwiches come from....
Lynda: Why? Does it tend to spring up more profusely downstairs after it's been shaved upstairs?
Whall: Apparently!
VE: Hee! Now THAT would be fun. :)
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