Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What I Learned Today

Despite the stereotype of cats happily drinking a saucer of milk, some cats are actually lactose intolerant.
My cats would gladly tell you the whole sordid tale, if they weren't all busy licking their butts clean.
I have therefore learned that from now on, their only beverage will be water.

Rather than delve into the whole ugly story and all its accompanying sights, sounds, and smells, I will just say this: cat diarrhea is very sloppy indeed.

Thank god for clumping kitty litter.


Morgiana Le Fey said...

at least they were gracious enough to generally use the litter box still...get 'em pissed off enough and they'll shit right in front of the door where you're bound to step on it...

Da Old Man said...

Just remind the cats they taste like chicken. That will keep them in line.

Janna said...

GigglePixie: More like "semi-soupy".

Morgian: Do I detect the voice of experience? :)

DaOldMan: The scary thing is that they say the same thing to ME.

Janna said...

Travis: It was a fecal feline nightmare!