Monday, December 17, 2007

Manic Monday: Carol

I'm just guessing here, but I think if Dick Cheney's first name had been "Carol" instead, people would keep mistaking him for Carol Channing, and it would annoy him even more than he's already annoyed.

"No, I'm not going to sing any &*%$#@$ show tunes for you bastards; I'm Carol CHENEY, not Carol Channing! Bite me! All you people can just kiss my ass!"

And then he would fantasize about raising our taxes.
He might also shoot some of us.

Consider yourself forewarned:

(So, after the first amendment gets abolished, and I go to federal prison for photoshopping that picture, you're all going to come visit me, right?)
Bring cookies.
I like cookies.
Manic Monday on my other blogs:
Jantics: Parody of a christmas carol
Jantrails: Wessonality Disorder


The Ferryman said...

I visit a lot of people in prison. You can't bring cookies.

David John Caswell said...

Hi Janna,
I would definately visit you in prison and smuggle you in some cookies. How about a few chocolate biscuits too?
Like your art work!
Did you ever sort out your tech problem?

maryt/theteach said...

Very funny, janna! Two people that I could very well do without in the universe...well, maybe Carol Channing can stay. She's still alive, right?

maryt/theteach said...

Oooh, janna, the cookie would have to be store-bought, that's okay, right? I don't bake. D'ya like Mallomars (sp?)?

Anndi said...

Does it have to be big enough for a file?

Now if you'll excuse me, after seeing that picture (the virgin Cheney one...) I have to go toss my cookies...

Mo and The Purries said...

Oh, that made me LAUGH!!!

Julie said...

Oh my! Wasn't that woman on Hollywood Squares with Paul Lynde all the time?

Durward Discussion said...

Who would have thought he would look better in drag than Rudy. Maybe they will run off together and stop bothering all of us.

Anonymous said...

You know... I think he actually looks better that way...

Sandee said...

I think you did an excellent job. I don't think you are going to end up in a Federal Prison for doing this either. Bwahahahahah. Have a great MM. :)

Schmoop said...

Dick never looked so sexy. Did I just say that? Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Carol Channing do that song that went like this.... "A kiss on the dick can be quite contenental but vaginas are a boys best friend"?

Just wondering.

Later Y'all.

Marilyn said...

He never looked so good. Is that what he wore at the inaguration?

Sherry Lewis said...

That picture is truly frightening! I may have nightmares now.

Happy Monday!

Janna said...

Mr. Fab: In your case I'd settle for a conjugal visit.

David: Hi! Thanks in advance for the cookies! Nope, Blogger still hasn't fixed their problem. Large graphics are still uploading in a smaller form, with worse resolution.

The Teach: I don't think I've ever HAD mallomars. I'd be willing to give them a try, though!

Anndi: Sorry about the cookie tossing.

Square1: What? Who are you? Do I know you? (There, how was that? Was that convincing enough? I can work on it if I need to)

Morgen: Good!

Julie: I don't remember, but she might have been!

Jamie: We can only hope!

Dutchy: Of course! He just needs to release all that inner rage and embrace his 'inner woman'. It might help if he cried a little bit too.

Sandee: Just in case, send cookies anyway.

Matt-man: Gotta love the sexy dick.

Meloncutter: I wish there was an audio file of you singing that.

Marilyn: Wouldn't it be embarrassing if George wore the exact same thing?

Janna said...

Sherry: Most of us have nightmares about Dick Cheney anyway. :) LOL!

Shelia said...

Excellent, lol. Carol Channing might have her quirks, but she dodged an even bigger bullet by not looking like Dick Cheney.

Anonymous said...

What a mean, bitter looking man...I mean, woman...I mean...

Foofa said...

very very scary. I'll be sure to bring you plenty of ginger snaps and stuff in the slammer.

Desert Songbird said...

I soooooo did NOT see to see this...

Anonymous said...

LOL--looks kinda pretty, don't you think? Good one.

Mimi Lenox said...

Very clever, Janna.
I'll visit you. I'll even help you escape. I know a lot about prisoners ya know......

Janna said...

Sheila: Good point!

Steve: If he was a berry, he would be poisonous.

Natalie: Bring plenty of chocolate. Brownies sound good. Maybe some peanut butter cookies too.

DesertSongbird: It's for your own good.

Tegdirb: If by "pretty" you mean "disturbing and hideous", then yes, absolutely!

Mimi: Glad to hear it. Bring cookies. We can eat them while we escape.

Travis Cody said...


I'll visit you in prison. I'll bring cookies and an Ipod full of showtunes.

Janna said...

Travis: Yay! We can have a party and I'll introduce you to my cellmate!

Sarge Charlie said...

I must be in the wrong place, I like Dick Chaney, you guys have painted a good public servant with an ugly brush.

Janna said...

SargeCharlie: LOL! Nah, I think he kinda did the "Ugly Brush" thing all by himself. I just helped by adding Carol Channing to the mix. You'll still come visit me in prison, though, right? :)

Unknown said...

Bwahahahahaaaaa - I´ll share my secret cookie reserve with you, although I´m pregnant *LOL*

Great choice for the Cranival, Janna!

maryt/theteach said...

Loved this the first time around, Janna! Good choice for Carnival. :)

Ingrid said...

Glad to see that you are not yet in prison, lol !

Janna said...

Sanni: What kind of cookies? Are they chocolate chip? I really like chocolate chip. And peanut butter.

Teach: Glad you liked it!

Gattina: Not yet! Keep checking back for updates! :)