Sunday, June 24, 2007


I am quiet and contemplative today, much the same as if my left elbow had been dunked in mild salsa and left adrift on a raft in calm Caribbean waters.


Travis Cody said...

Now that's very poetic, in that I have no idea what it means.

Desert Songbird said...

Would like some chips and a margarita to go with that elbow?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

it really was a quiet day...

smiles, bee

The Ferryman said...

Yay! Margaritas!

Schmoop said...

I dont why, but that struck me funny. Cheers Janna!!

Mo and The Purries said...

too bad the rest of you didn't get that Caribbean vacation! Just the elbow, huh?
Hope it watched out for Elbow Sharks while adrift...

Janna said...

Travis: Oh, good! That's what I was going for!

Desert Songbird: That would be great!

Bee: Was it? I can never tell...

Mr. Fab: Let's dance!

Matt-man: Good! :)

Morgen: Maybe while it's in the Caribbean, it will meet some sexy pirates....

Lynda said...

Isn't the Caribbean a bit too warm for you?

I'll bring the sour cream.

Janna said...

Lynda: Excellent point. The Caribbean is WAY too hot. That's why my elbow was the only body part that wanted to go. Elbows don't sweat very much.