Monday, January 22, 2007

Weird Dream

I dreamed that our entire family owned a McDonald's together-- and my cousin & I were the only two people who could hear the ghost of Elvis inside it. All I heard from Elvis were low moans, but my cousin said she heard him frantically crying out for Martha Stewart. And while we were trying to investigate, the ghost of Elvis stole my wallet.


Cincy Diva said...

I don't even know where to begin interpretting that dream! Eihter you ate too many whoppers trying to make origami cranes, or Elvis is trying to get you to lobby for PB & banana Sandwiches on McDonald's menu.

Mo and The Purries said...

Darn that Elvis, always mugging my friends in dreams! I find it interesting that he would have a thing for Martha however, even from the grave... can you imagine what she would do with Graceland? The travesty!
Plus, she would de-cal the fried pb&banana sandwiches (it's NOT a good thing, martha, to take the fat and flavor out of a perfectly good white trash delicacy)...
but I digress...

Unknown said...

Nice to know I´m not the only one with weird dreams... although I have to confess Elvis has never stolen anything when he appeared in my dreams =)

Foofa said...

Elvis is a big time stealer. I am not surprised. I could go for a PB & Banana

Dan said...

Dreams of Elvis simply can't be good. Especially ones where he's stealing your wallet. Those kind really suck.

You're funny! :)