Ten Random Pet Peeves For Today:
1) Tailgaters
2) Laundry piles that double in size as soon as my back is turned
3) Computers that freeze up
4) Bad service at restaurants
5) Perfectly good TV programs getting pre-empted by sports crap
6) Back pain
7) Migraines
8) Our idiot President
9) Dogs that slobber and jump and breathe on people
10) Guys who are only interested in thin women
1) Tailgaters(I have no opinion as long as they aren't blocking the way of my vehicle)
2) Laundry piles that double in size as soon as my back is turned
(Amen Sister, then I go to the ghetto laudromats cause it's like $5 a load in East Lansing)
3) Computers that freeze up(Just nudge the hamsters a little bit..or wave a couple crackers in front of the CD ROM door. Stroking works best for me..OH! the computer..uh...hmm....don't know.)
4) Bad service at restaurants
(WOAH..BIGGEST PET PEEVE EVER actually. Sometimes I don't tip...sometimes I don't tip and leave a note...sometimes I don't tip, leave a note, talk to manager and write to corporate((where applicable)))
5) Perfectly good TV programs getting pre-empted by sports crap
(no pref..don't have cable..don't watch TV..but LOTS of movies)
6) Back pain(WOOh..girl, I pull ribcage muscles all the time..you know..the ones where it feels like some dog is playing tug a war with your back and chest simultaneously every time you..ya know..breathe...think..whatever)
7) Migraines(I don't get these very often..I used to get them a LOT as a kid, and they put me on Propanol and Zarontin for migraines and Pettymal Seizures((as a result of the migraines)) but thankfully I outgrew them, but my eyes would roll into the back of my head..it wasn't pretty)
8) Our idiot President(not enough characters allowed on this I'm sure to fulfill this rant. Let's just continue this down in Hillsdale)
9) Dogs that slobber and jump and breathe on people(I heart dogs..but poorly trained ones..I blame the masters)
10) Guys who are only interested in thin women(AMEN! Why are some guys only interested in thin women? what about men? What about large poka-dotted omnivores that can auto-fellatiate? What's so special about thin women? they're everywhere...and TOTALLY no cushion for the pushin' you know? And do you actually get your money spent at a buffet? HELL NO! It's a waste...danm bitches...)
I ♥ kyle!
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