nonamedufus: After hard and careful thought, I'm inclined to agree with you.
Rob-bear: Or, more likely, I'll be railroaded by a corrupt legal system and will be wrongly convicted and will end up in prison next to a mentally unstable person named Beulah.
It is a scientifically proven fact that the world only makes sense about 14% of the time. Slightly less on Mondays. There is also a little-known theory that all days are actually Mondays in disguise. It's MY theory, and it's little-known because no one ever listens to me.
The only good bug is a dead bug.
If it wasn't you, the police will clear you, after the investigation.
nonamedufus: After hard and careful thought, I'm inclined to agree with you.
Rob-bear: Or, more likely, I'll be railroaded by a corrupt legal system and will be wrongly convicted and will end up in prison next to a mentally unstable person named Beulah.
Next to Beulah? Oh dear. That had never occurred to me. You could end up as crazy as she is. Or worse.
Rob-bear: It may already be too late, since I'm too poor to afford a lawyer. Unless you'd like to volunteer.
Me? A lawyer? Good grief; what sort of Bear do you think I am?
P.S.: I'll come and visit you in jail. Really, I will. The least I can do.
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