Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things I've Learned

1. You might as well be crazy, because no one really cares anyway.

2. Cats will pretend to be really great listeners if they think you plan to feed them as soon as you're done talking.

3. Pizza and tacos are constantly fighting one another for the title of "Most Wonderful Food On The Planet".

4. Every time I do laundry, my socks draw straws to see which one must be the next to disappear. I envision some sort of "end of life" ritual where the other socks all gather around and say goodbye. They try to convince their fellow sock that the future involves something better, and give it advice like "Go toward the lint filter..."


Katrina Dawn Miller said...

I can't tell you how many times I've lost a lone sock.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Maybe there's a sort of Logan's Run for socks.

That reference is so dated, I'm not even sure what it means.

Janna said...

Adrian: I'd feel sorry for them if I didn't need them so much...

MikeWJ: Welcome back! And I actually understand the Logan's Run reference, which probably means I'm old. Sigh.

nonamedufus said...

I just hate when #4 happens. It really socks.

meleah rebeccah said...

Losing socks drives me insane! And now I want taco's.

Anonymous said...

I love #4 "Go toward the lint filter"...clever. That said I've been doing laundry for approximately 55 years, both in public laundromats and at home, and I have never lost a sock or any other article of clothing. I've been reading complaints about this lost sock thing for years and have never understood it..seriously - never understood it. I think people are joshing about this.

Janna said...

nonamedufus: LOL. It does indeed.

meleah: I had tacos for lunch today! Yum!

Grace: Believe me, people aren't joking! It happens! Really!